Away from home

Plastics packaging used away home such as at work and events needs to be collected for recycling too!

Recycling plastic away from home

Plastics packaging collected for recycling by local authorities is predominantly through kerbside and bring back schemes (such as household recycling centres) but a significant amount of plastic is disposed of and lost from these collection schemes, through litter and general waste generated ‘on the go’ when people are away from home at places like work, shopping or at events and festivals.

How Pledge2Recycle Plastics can help

While we advise citizens to take their plastic recycling home where possible while out and about if recycling facilities don’t exist Pledge2Recycle Plastics can support organisations with managing plastics recycling in away from home settings.

As a team we offer educational roadshows at events, public hotspots or even workplaces to inform about what can be recycled and where, the recycling process and why it is important to recycle as much plastic as we can.

At large scale events where plastic is used (e.g., stall holders using plastic bottles) collection and recycling of this material, alongside litter picking, can be arranged in collaboration with the event organisers, not only does this spread a positive message to attendees it also reduces the events environmental impact.

If you’d like to find out more about how Pledge2Recycle Plastics can support your organisation recycling plastics away from home then get in touch!

Easter Toolkit

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Consumer insights research 2019

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If you have a question or would like to speak to us about how Pledge2Recycle Plastics can help you or your organisation then please get in touch.